Our Nature in Christ Series

So, until this year, battling for my identity in Christ was really hard for me. A few years ago, a leader from a small group gave me a list of 90 items that refer to our nature in Christ. I never looked at it too much, but honestly, I've needed it. I tend to get caught up in my feelings, and while I read my Bible a lot, I don't think I always take time to really digest the Word in relations to my identity.

So, I decided that I think that I want to deep dive into that list. Instead of simply saying each of these things out loud, I'm going to unpack them, and I want them to come alive as the Word promises, "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires," (Hebrew 4:12, New Living Translation).

So, join me! I'm sure most of it will be notes that I find from online resources, but it'll still be awesome, and hopefully it'll help you too!


Our Nature in Christ: Healed


Good & Loved