instablog: GRATITUDE & JOY!
I walked past this wall a few weeks ago, and heard the spirit of God say, "It IS nice to have you in Birmingham, huh?" This week marked ONE YEAR of stepping out on blind faith and moving to Birmingham. A year ago I wasn't in a good place, but I've learned that the process of walking out my "YES" started years before I ever moved to Birmingham, one. Two, He was more concerned with my character than my comfort. He was concerned with equipping me for the good works He's called me to before the foundations of the world, & 3, because He's with me, I am a living threat to the kingdom of hell.
So, wherever you are today in your step of faith, CHOOSE to open your mouth in gratitude and warfare! Be thankful in the middle of it. When it doesn't look like it's working out, He's faithful! When you don't feel like praising, your emotions are lying to you because He's faithful! When it doesn't seem like the promise will come to pass, get your mind off of yourself, & set it on the Kingdom of God because there's more that He wants to do through you! HE'S FAITHFUL!
So, praise the Lamb for JOY not only on this side of the desert season, but also IN the desert season. Praise God for new seasons, greater vision, amaaaaazing friends, higher callings, the church, restoration of everything that was taken, and because He's faithful, the fulfillment of every promise. 😍
Year ✌🏾, LET'S DO IT!