instablog: Brokenness Aside


"Will your grace run out

If I let you down?

Cause all I know

Is how to run.

Cause I am a sinner

If it's not one thing, it's another

Caught up in words

Tangled in lies

But you are a Savior

And you take brokenness aside

And make it beautiful"

I've never heard these lyrics before this morning, but they meet me at the very place God has been prodding at all week. Until this week, I never realized that when I'm afraid, I've always made the habit of running, either not wanting to make a hard decision or not wanting to deal with the consequences of my decision. I'd always leave decisions to others to make, or in situations where there wasn't another party, I'd pull others in for "advice" ultimately, still needing them to make my decision. The Lord revealed to me that that fear was rooted in the lie that I'd be punished for a bad decision. I'd been believing that if I made the wrong decision, I was deserving of "tough love" and punishment. I thought that I was capable of wearing God out, and that one day His grace and mercy towards me would wear thin from not wanting to deal with hard decisions.

Fortunately, that's so far from who He is. I love that He takes our brokenness aside without making us feel stupid for the lies we've believed. He comes in with love and casts out all of our fears. He reaffirms our identities as daughters & sons and replaces fear with confidence that we hear from Him, so the need for affirmation from other people isn't always needed. He is the perfected form of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We CANNOT wear Him out, and hard seasons in our lives are never fueled from punishment. It may feel like we're walking through the darkest valley for the sake of it but trust God. He's knows what He's doing, even if we don't fully understand what He's doing.

Trust His decision in that He trusts YOU! We don't have to fear making a wrong decision when we're genuinely following Him. He will always protect us from what's not for us.




instablog: Winters of Rest


instablog: Creativity.